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Last Meeting Minutes: May 2015

CLPTO Meeting Minutes for May 12, 2015

Members in Attendance:

Wanda Dwyer, Jen Haugen, Sheri Hageman, Lori Caye, Cindy Bassett, Jen Layland, Sharon Pitalla, Sara Johnson, Jolene Baillargen, Lisa Gangl, Katie Malchow, Avery Bird


Call to Order 6:30 PM



  • April Meeting Minute Review motion to approve (J. Layland) second (W. Dwyer)



  • Northern Night brought in $121.57

  • PTO Expo Recap – Avery and Katie went to Chicago in April for an expo.  They thought they were going to a conference when in fact it was mostly a vendor fair.  They took home a lot of literature for various companies, most of which we won’t be pursuing.  However, there were a couple of ideas that we’d like to implement.  Spirit Sticks were one new idea and we are looking at the possibility of doing a yearbook next year.

  • SEE Update – Schools for Equity in Education – Press conference last Monday trying to get more than 1% of the formula.  Equity in facilities is an option for us.  Essentially, there are 25 districts state wide that have money available to them specifically for facility use.  Here in Chisago, we need to levy for that money if we have a facilities issue that needs addressing.  Keep writing to senators on this issue.

  • Butterbraid Fundraiser – Pick up went really well.  We had lots of volunteers for both shifts.  Only 20 boxes were left at the end.  Volunteers were calling those remaining parents and offered to stick around until 7 PM.  Pick up process went smoothly.  We had 6 or 7 National Honor Society kids there and that helped them to get their necessary hours and it helped us a lot!



  • Box top money came in just under where we had budgeted for

  • May was double Cambell soup month (J. Haugen)

  • Sherry is willing to be the second person in charge of labels


Principals Report

  • Sarah – Thank you for the teacher appreciation, lots of cool stuff in mailboxes.  We are hiring 2 new teachers for next year: Courtney Bergeron for 3rd grade and Lisa Lizotte for 4th grade.  Class sizes should be about 25-27 students per class.  All testing is done and we have survived.  Thank you to all the proctors.  They helped and really worked with kids to make sure that Biztown happened in 4th grade.  It was mentioned that it would be interesting if the kids had an opportunity to go back as Juniors and Seniors.  5th graders are going to Fort Snelling next week, 3rd graders are headed to Warner Nature Center, 4th grade to Science Museum and the History Museum.  Hmong heritage is featured there and we are sending our ELL students.  Thank you for Math Game Night.  Lakeside is still in need of a Math Corp member.

  • Brenda – Teacher appreciation week went really well.  Thank you for all of the food – especiallythe Olive Garden.  Primary is just keeping a lid on it for about 16 more days.  Second grade concert, super sticker days, field trips….  We are still in need of 2 Reading Corp teachers.  


Coordinator Reports

  • Teacher Appreciation (Teresa Brach) – Went really well and Teresa enjoyed doing it!

  • Math Night (Jen Haugen) – Hosted about 100 families.  Night was a huge success.


Old Business – N/A


New Business – 

  • August 11th is the next PTO board meeting

  • September 15th is the next PTO meeting

  • Next Northern Night is May 19th



  • VP – Lori Caye accepted the nomination

  • Treasurer – Wanda Dwyer accepted the nomination (Lisa Gangl will make sure that Wanda feels comfortable and knows what she needs to do)

  • Thank you to Lisa Gangl for all of your years of service to our organization

  • Thank you to Amy Odland for your help as this year’s VP


Prize Drawing for attendance

  • Jennifer Layland

  • Jen Haugen


Fund Requests

  • Primary School

    • $1372.14 for RAZ motion (J. Haugen) second (L. Caye)

    • $5600.00 for Kindles motion (W. Dwyer) second (J. Haugen)

    • $1540 for conference room furniture (L. Caye) second (W. Dwyer)

    • $475.00 for weekly readers, $200.00 for paper cutter, $177 for 2nd grade pizza party, $500 for hard cover books motion (L. Caye) second (L. Gangl)

  • Lakeside School

    • $800.00 for library shelves motion (K. Malchow) second (W. Dwyer)

    • $2000.00 for outdoor classroom expenses (K. Malchow) second (W. Dwyer)

    • $270.00 for Story Works, $401.40 for Time for Kids motion (J. Haugen) second (L. Caye)

Adjourn 7:38 PM motion (A. Bird) second (K. Malchow)



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